02 - Stand By Me

Have you ever liked a movie and been in disbelief your significant other hasn't seen it? Us too! That's why we made a podcast where we can force the other person to watch movies they haven't seen but we love! In the second episode, Katie has Justin watch the classic, Stand By Me.

My Spouse Made Me Watch It.PNG

02 - Stand By Me

Have you ever liked a movie and been in disbelief your significant other hasn't seen it? Us too! That's why we made a podcast where we can force the other person to watch movies they haven't seen but we love!

In the second episode, Katie has Justin watch the classic, Stand By Me. Wil Wheaton is in it! Who knew!

01 - Star Wars

Have you ever liked a movie and been in disbelief your significant other hasn't seen it? Us too! That's why we made a podcast where we can force the other person to watch movies they haven't seen but we love! In the inaugural episode of the podcast, Katie watches one of Justin's favorite movies...

My Spouse Made Me Watch It.PNG

01 - Star Wars

Have you ever liked a movie and been in disbelief your significant other hasn't seen it? Us too! That's why we made a podcast where we can force the other person to watch movies they haven't seen but we love!

In the inaugural episode of the podcast, Katie watches one of Justin's favorite movies... Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. Katie has never seen it before, so the question is will it live up to Justin's hype?